Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Social Justice for Today's Learners

I feel that the common theme between these two articles is that as teachers we should not make assumption about the access our students have to technology or how astute they are in using it. The best course of action in using technology in our classrooms is to first know the students in our class well and to engage them at the most appropriate level possible. Then we need to realize that computers are the essential tools of today’s students and avoid making assumptions that they somehow detract from the learning process. In making assumptions about our students we lose the opportunity to connect with them and the chance to have the technology, that we do choose to use in the class, make a lasting impact.

In regards to access to technology being a social justice issue, I do agree with the authors of the article. Even if you look outside of computer use by businesses, every aspect of our lives involves an ever increasing interaction with technology. From on-line bill pay, to health information research to connecting with loved ones; our lives are connected to computers. If children do not receive proper training in the use of technology they will lack a fluency in our electronic culture that will put them at a disadvantage in competing with others, once they leave school. In our business and personal lives we use computers for more than just word processing and internet research. While these are the primary uses of computers in school, there are so many other ways that we can use technology to both engage students creativity and eagerness to learn, while at the same time prepare them for the broader world.

This is an “equity of education” issue that we have just touched briefly on in our education as teachers. In giving assignments to students we cannot assume that everyone has the same access to the internet or even the same skill to use search engines. While we need to make sure that students understand the use of technology in learning our subjects, we need to make sure that they equally have access to apply that knowledge. I do believe that we can have a meaningful interaction between content and technology and at the same time prepare students for the world outside.

I will definitely put thought towards the deliberate use of technology in my classroom. I believe that the use of technology needs to have a purpose just like everything else that is done in my class. With the complexity of today’s world it is important that teachers think beyond the task at hand and look at how the use of technology, in and out of the classroom, can be instrumental in shaping the learning process.

1 comment:

  1. "This is an “equity of education” issue." Right you are Paul. The issues lies on disparity, I think you are in agreement. We cannot offer up something that provides clear disadvantages to some of our students. The importance comes when we offer up the importance of technology as a tool for success, not as an instrument of objection. We do not want are children to fear it, we want them to use it, we will encourage them to do so as best we can. So what do we do when they clearly don't or won't have access? I am still asking myself this question as a future educator.
